Sunday, 7 November 2010

* Living Sims Issue 19 is out!


Living Sims has issued it's 19th edition and I have a whole two page spread from my Small Quarters 3.0 entry! I AM FAMOUS! You'll find the article here - though it contains nothing that isn't already on this blog. I just had to share, it's a personality defect. Like it or lump it.
To go straight to the first page of the magazine, just click on the image above... and enjoy :D


  1. Ohhh Lilymayrooose! You are famous!!

    Wonderful entry and it is a great magazine to be a part of!

  2. I'm *taking a bow* and *struttin' my stuffz* :D

    It really is a great magazine, and though I don't have anything to do with the mag itself - I love the forum!

  3. Congrats on having your Small Quarters house featured in the mag, Lily! It was very much deserved -- that house is amazing. :)

  4. Thankyou Jen - I must confess to being a huge fan of everything you do XxxX

  5. Oooooo, Lily, high five, girl! *smack* I'm gonna run right on over there and feast my eyes. :D

  6. *smack* Backatcha Buttercup xx
