Saturday, 12 February 2011


As some of you are already aware, Sims 3 Musketeers has been hacked. As far as we can tell, it occurred on the 9th Feburary when we had our backs turned. Sadly, I don't believe we had recently backed up the site, so there is a chance that we may have to start again, or not. We're still sorting a few things out in the background, and as the three of us - Melissa, Webbymom and I, all live in different countries - the process is going to take a little longer than if we could all sit around the same kitchen table with a mug of coffee and lots and lots of cake.

In the mean time, I'm going to attempt to place all of the downloads featured on this blog, elsewhere. It'll take a bit of time (not much, thankfully I've not been that busy here!!!!), but if you continue to click on the links to the downloads that say that you can find them *HERE at Sims3Musketeers* - you should be lead to somewhere like mediafire instead, just for the time being. If you should still be lead to S3M via those links, please try again later. I'm afraid that even though I'm a woman, and therefore a professional multi tasker... sadly, I'm not God (don't tell my family, I've convinced them that I am!), and I have to move at mundane human pace.

Currently, the only file I do not have anywhere, is Tudor Rose. But I ain't fussed by that one, so I don't reckon you'll miss it either!

Thanks to everyone throughout the community for your support since this has happened. You're a wonderful bunch of people and I'm happy to be a part of it all. 

L xx


  1. Awww... I'm sorry Lily, I can't imagine what it must be like to lose something you worked so hard for.. Our best wishes go out to you guys!

  2. And if you don't mind me asking.. What were they hacking for? I mean, usually the scum have a motive?

  3. They didn't want anything other than to destroy all of our files. Apparently it's the new fashion! The same thing has happened at two other sites that I know of recently, so I guess we should have been a bit more wary. Thanks for the good wishes xx

  4. Do you know who it is ? Maybe T-- ?

  5. No idea Sara, though I very much doubt it's T-- we were/are far too small to be of interest. Though it's a thought worth bearing in mind!

  6. This is rude, I mean there's nothing to gain with hacking a sims site :(
    I hope you will repair it without pain!

  7. DAMN those idjots!!!!
    They have just wayyyy too much free time on their hands... that's all!

    I have a kitchen that needs renovating... hint, hint! if they need something 'useful' to do!

    Sorry about this disaster to your site Lily... I know how much work it is to restore stuff! ☻

  8. Thanks Nengi - it's Webby that I feel for, she's the one that hosts it and built it - it's Webby that has the hard end of this particular deal - good job she loves it!

  9. What horror! resentful people are everywhere. Much energy to go! Greetings. ♥ NazSims

  10. Hey there, Laura - thanks for thinking of us. Shouldn't be long now and we'll be up and running again :oD

  11. Lily thats tragic and Im sorry that happened to you all ! Hackers sometimes have no other motive than "I do because I can". Good luck with your restoration and hopefully it wont be too hard. Hi to Webby and Mama :-D

  12. We'll survive, annabanana - we've made it this far!
